About Us

This site helps connect employers around the globe to the right job seeker. On the number one job seeking site, employers can access thousands of job seekers around the world, with a professional degree, who are ready to work. Employers have the option to search for candidates by category or job seeker status. Search for recent or future graduates with a bachelor’s degree in engineering or just search for all job seekers with a master degree in business. The most compelling result of all the candidates will be their video presentation.

Job seekers can post or create a resume plus create a 30 second video introduction of themselves where employers can take a first glimpse at them. Job seekers can boost up their employment rating by adding their work history, accomplishments and educational background with options of uploading letters of recommendation and/or referrals. The higher the profile rating the more compelling a job seeker will be in attracting employers to view their profile. Job seekers can also encourage and give advice to other job seekers in their network channels. Like any other social media site, job seekers will be able to communicate via chat or email with other job seeking members in their network channels.